Kari's Blog

Topics include Networking, LinkedIn, & Career Transition Strategies

Written By: Kari Mirabal

How To Grow Your LinkedIn Audience – New Follow vs. Connect Feature

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with hundreds of millions of members.  Their mission is to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. As a regular contributor on LinkedIn, I enjoy testing and exploring new features as they become available.  As I post topics or articles related…

Written By: Kari Mirabal

Ways to Be Productive During the Holiday Downtime

When I speak to business audiences about networking smarter, each keynote includes ways for professionals to be more efficient in the workplace (to get from point A to point B – faster).  Since we all have the same amount of time to work, learning how to be more productive…

Written By: Kari Mirabal

The Other “F” Word

Sooner or later, like death and taxes, failure (the other “F” word), is inevitable. However, if you embrace it – not run from it – amazing outcomes can result. When traveling across the country and delivering keynotes about networking strategies and creating authentic connections with other people,…

Written By: Kari Mirabal

Remain Relevant – Refine Your Strategy

Leadership expert Peter Drucker once said the only companies that succeed are those that not only welcome change, but also lead it. Since changing times often define how businesses work, organizations are adapting their strategies to address evolving competitive challenges. To stay ahead, some leaders are…

Written By: Kari Mirabal

“Pause Before You Pass” & Maximize Networking

Let’s get right to it.  At the end of the day, the main reason most of us connect and network is to be “in the know” when opportunities arise.  While it may be common sense that the more you network, the more potential you’ll have,…