Career & Networking Coaching Programs


Turning your passion into your career is more achievable than you may think. Research consistently demonstrates that individuals who pursue careers aligned with their passions tend to experience higher levels of happiness—and it’s logical to assume that this happiness contributes to their success. Your career significantly impacts your overall well-being, so it’s essential to seize every opportunity to make it fulfilling. That’s why Kari’s CAREER Dating program empowers individuals interested in becoming the CEO of their career. Whether a keynote, masterclass, or customized coaching program, her training walks those interested in career transition through each step in the process of career transition so they can be confident when exploring new possibilities.


Why Invest in Career Coaching?

A recent study from the International Coach Federation Global highlights just what can come from hiring a career coach. Whether your looking for a new role, or looking to hire a coach to help your staff network effectively, the benefits are obvious.

Companies that recouped investment from career coaching positive ROI

Career Transition, Networking, LinkedIn and Speaker Programs

Career Coaching Programs

Are you ready to take your career or networking skills to the next level? Is it time to explore new opportunities in the “UNPUBLISHED JOB MARKET” (hint: this is where most of Kari Mirabal’s clients find future employment)? If it’s time to make a change professionally, but you’re not sure where to start, there’s a customized coaching program just for you. With 15+ years of IT Recruiting experience, Mirabal is eager to share her networking and career transition methods. Be warned; these programs are not for the faint of heart. Keeping things fresh requires evolution—it means identifying opportunities in creative ways, facing and overcoming surmounting challenges, networking smarter, creating marketing tools to extend your brand, exercising patience and more. Whether looking to maximize your current career path, aiming for that coveted promotion, or seeking a change in title or industry altogether, Mirabal’s cutting-edge approach to career transition and networking (both traditional and digital methods) will have you covered. Get ready to embark on a journey toward a brighter future with the tools and insights needed to succeed in today’s dynamic (and competitive) business market.


Kari Mirabal’s NAKED Networking® coaching program stands out for its tailored approach, designed to meet your individual needs. Whether you’re gearing up for a networking event, aiming to boost sales results, hiring, seeking connections with like-minded professionals, interested in enhancing your LinkedIn presence, and/or targeting a specific company to partner with, this program delivers results catered to your unique goals.

  • Customized networking coaching program to target your specific business or personal objectives
  • Program includes traditional and LinkedIn networking strategies
  • Includes six coaching sessions with Kari Mirabal (45-60 minutes each)



  • Myers Briggs assessment (leveraged throughout program)
  • Mindset strategies
  • Resume edit/creation
  • Cover letter template
  • Networking strategies (traditional and LinkedIn)
  • LinkedIn profile update
  • Interview preparation and follow up strategies (virtual, live, panel, Executive, etc.)
  • The art of salary negotiation
  • Managing counteroffers 101
  • Career development tips (plus first 90-days on the new job survival guide)
  • Calls, texts, and email support throughout program
  • Social media strategies to extend brand awareness and showcase SME
  • Session freeze option (used sessions can be applied within one year)
  • 12 customized coaching sessions with Kari Mirabal (45-60 mins each)


  • Resume edit/creation
  • Cover letter template
  • LinkedIn profile update
  • 2 consultative sessions w/Kari Mirabal (60-min each)


Ready to learn more? Schedule your consultation with Kari Mirabal (gratis) today and explore if a coaching relationship is right for you.


LinkedIn Logic: Coaching Programs

Networking has unlimited potential, but only for those willing to take risks and work outside comfort zones to explore new possibilities. Learn more about attracting others to your LinkedIn profile with proven strategies for success. Discover how to foster meaningful connections, extend brand awareness leveraging LinkedIn’s latest features, increase sales, hire new talent, like/share/and or comment with target contacts, discuss ways to engage with other like-minded professionals and more. When you partner with Kari Mirabal, you’ll gain access to proven real-world strategies to get you from point A to point B – faster.


  • Create or update your LinkedIn profile
  • Discover ways to reach your goals leveraging LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn blogging and marketing content creation strategies
  • 3 -6 sessions with Kari Mirabal (45-60 min each)


Contact Kari today to set up your initial phone consultation (gratis) to explore if a LinkedIn coaching relationship is right for you.

Speaker Coaching Program

Are you passionate about sharing your expertise and inspiring others? Do you dream of captivating audiences with your powerful presentations and becoming a sought-after keynote speaker? Look no further than Kari Mirabal’s Speaker coaching program. Kari’s dedicated to supporting aspiring individuals to master the art of delivering impactful messages that impact audiences across the country and abroad. This comprehensive coaching program covers all the essentials, from mastering stage presence and developing compelling content to effective storytelling and audience engagement techniques. The ideal applicants are eager to create impressive keynotes for their portfolio and learn effective strategies to captivate audiences. Graduates who successfully complete the program are then invited to interview for a coveted spot with the ARROWHEAD SPEAKERS bureau. Learn more about this program and embark on an extraordinary journey toward becoming a remarkable keynote speaker, someone equipped with the skills to captivate any crowd!


  • Content development
  • Marketing tools explored to help you promote your brand
  • Feedback and QA support throughout program to improve your message and delivery
  • Referrals to Kari’s trusted network of service providers interested in helping you bring your speaking business to market
  • 90-Day Program (includes 8 interactive sessions)


Contact Kari today to set up your initial phone consultation (gratis) to explore if a Keynote Speaker coaching relationship is right for you. Start getting paid what you deserve to share your knowledge with others.



What Clients Are Saying ...

Tia Juby

After listening to Kari speak and having a conversation with her, I took her advice on writing out your stories. In fact, I went overboard and listed out a story example for every bullet point on the description. I went in and commanded the interview with the mentality that the job was already mine. Within two weeks, I had a job offer that had everything I was looking for in it. Her advice both on interviewing and dealing with recruiters was extremely beneficial and she is absolutely correct in both things. Follow her advice and I promise, your chances of finding a job increase by 100%!

Ina Agnew

It sounds counterintuitive, but the best time to spend money on professional development is when you really don't have it in the budget. If you want to increase sales, invest in your people. We contacted Kari to do a workshop to help us learn how to generate leads for jobs, equipment, sponsors, etc. Based on our needs, she customized a presentation that would meet multiple objectives. If you want to your employees to be the best, then you need to hire the best experts. Kari's LinkedIn and networking programs are beneficial.

Client Spotlight

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